- Section I: Opening Round.
- Section II: Fair Game.
- Section III: Challenge.
Obstetric & Gynecologic Ultrasound: Case Review Series 2nd edition by Karen L. Reuter and T. Kemi Babagbemi presents over 200 unknown cases-complete with over 350 state-of-the-art images, questions, answers, commentary, references, and more-to enhance your imaging interpretation skills in obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound. Discussions incorporate the most recent knowledge from OB/GYN ultrasound literature, providing an excellent review for both residents and practitioners.
Book features:
New in this edition:
Book features:
- Follows the format of the Boards, and offers case studies similar to those likely to be found on exams, for a realistic preparation for the test-taking experience.
- Presents cases in 3 overall categories-from least to most difficult-to build your skills in a cumulative way.
- Offers cross references to Ultrasound: The Requisites, 2nd Edition so it's easy to find in-depth information on any subject.
- Features over 350 state-of-the-art images-many of them new to this edition-that capture the full range of imaging findings in obstetric in gynecologic ultrasound.
New in this edition:
- Places an increased emphasis on differential diagnosis, to help you distinguish specific diseases and disorders from others that have a similar sonographic presentation.
- Includes new coverage of:
- abnormal IUD location,
- chorioangioma of the placenta,
- invasive molar pregnancy,
- fetal tachycardia causing non-immune fetal hydrops,
- vasa previa,
- fetal arachnoid cyst,
- amniotic sheet and amniotic band syndrome,
- postmenopausal ovarian cyst,
- autosomal recessive polycystic renal disease in the fetus,
- bladder flap hematoma,
- and more.
- Groups cases by topic for a more efficient, targeted review of information.
Book Details
- Paperback: 288 pages
- Publisher: Mosby; 2 edition (October 13, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0323039766
- ISBN-13: 9780323039765
- Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 7.9 x 0.6 inches