Prayer: Fetal MRI (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)

Driven by the ongoing technical and scientific progress, fetal MR imaging has evolved from an exclusively experimental prenatal imaging modality to a clinically important tool, which impacts decision making in the field of pre- and perinatal medicine. Nowadays, specialists involved in prenatal diagnosis are challenged with the demand to perform fetal MR examinations without the availability of basic reference with respect to methods, indications, MR appearance of maturing fetal and extrafetal organs, and pathological changes of intrauterine contents.
This book is the first handbook to offer a state-of-the art and comprehensive overview of the meticulous examination techniques and the specific sequences, which are essential for optimal image quality in fetal imaging. It further covers in depth all its current clinical applications as well as the safety issues.
The aim of this book is to provide basic information about fetal MRI not only for the examiners but also for the referring clinicians. MR methods are described in detail and safety aspects are discussed. The prerequisites of fetal MRI are described including patient preparation as well as the appropriate selection of MR parameters for the respective clinical questions. In order to fully exploit the potential of this modality, the MR characteristics of normal and pathological organ development are described on various MR sequences, including advanced MR imaging techniques with illustration by numerous figures. The possibilities of intrauterine surgical therapy are described using the example of treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. For better understanding of normal and pathological brain development, the histological basis of early human brain maturation is provided. Different aspects of fetal neuroimaging are discussed comprising ultrasound and MR approaches.
Information that may help with interpretation of MR findings and their possible prognostic significance are summarized in chapters on genetics, maternal disease with possible impact on pregnancy, and postmortem MRI. In addition advice is given on how to treat postmortem specimens in order to obtain useful diagnostic clues.
All authors have been working scientifically and practically in the field. Thus the reader should receive well-grounded information on each topic.
  1. Indications for Fetal MRI
  2. How to Shorten MRI Sequences
  3. Fetal MRI at Higher Field Strength
  4. Safety of Fetal MRI Scanning
  5. The Psychic State of the Pregnant Woman and Prenatal Diagnostic Procedures
  6. Methods of Fetal MRI
  7. Prenatal Development of the Human Fetal Telencephalon
  8. Fetal MRI of Normal Brain Development
  9. Fetal Movements. Though They May Be Spontaneous, Yet There is Method in Them
  10. The Fetal Neurology Clinic – A Multidisciplinary Approach
  11. Fetal Neuroimaging: Ultrasound or MRI? MRI of the Normal Fetal Lung
  12. The Skeleton and Musculature
  13. Ursula Nemec, John M. Graham Jr., and Daniela Prayer MRI of the Fetal Heart
  14. MRI of the Fetal Endocrine Glands
  15. The Prenatal Diagnosis of Facial Clefts with Fetal MRI
  16. Cerebral Malformations
  17. Acquired Brain Pathology .
  18. Diagnosis of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
  19. Treatment of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
  20. MRI of the Pathological Fetal Thorax
  21. MRI of the Fetal Abdomen
  22. Normal and Pathological Placental Development: MRI and Pathology
  23. Problems of Multiple Pregnancies Ultrasound and MRI
  24. Fetal/Perinatal Autopsy and MRI: Synthesis or Alternative? Postmortem Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Fetus
  25. Genetics of Fetal Disease
  26. Maternal Diseases with Possible Impact on Pregnancy
  27. Index 

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 541 pages
  • Publisher: Springer; 1st edition (March 1, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 3540732705
  • ISBN-13: 978-3540732709
  • Product Dimensions: 10 x 8 x 1.1 inches
 List Price: $319.00

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